GREAT NEWS!! ANAM CARA HAS A NEW WEBSITE. Please check it out at
The Chamber Choir of Idaho, Anam Cara, was founded in 1999. We are a non-profit, tax exempt, 501 (c) (3) performing arts organization and give concerts throughout Southeast Idaho. In 1999 we traveled to Ireland and were taped for three segments of the "Joy of Music" television series with Diane Bish, that were broadcast throughout the United States in 2000. Our compact disc, "Sing Me to Heaven", with recordings from Kimmage, Ireland and from several performances in Idaho, is available for purchase. Other CDs, including "Music of the Sistine Chapel" with compositions by Palestrina, have been recorded and are also available for purchase.
Anam Cara has gained a reputation for excellence in performing important works of all eras, from Renaissance masses to modern Jazz and Blues. Click on CONCERTS on the left of this page for additional information.
Our upcoming concerts for Spring 2019 will be "Choral Colors: A Musical Kaleidoscope for Choir and Piano". They will be Saturday, May 11th and Monday, May 13th at the First Presbyterian Church in Idaho Falls. In keeping with our Choral Colors theme, our benefactor and wildlife artist, Gene Sherman, has donated a triptych Giclee print of his new works of art of three colorful hummingbirds, matted and framed by the artist. Additionally, Gene added an original hand-painted remark of a stalk of hollyhocks, (a hummingbird favorite), to the mat. As a part of our annual fund-raising campaign, this beautiful artwork will be won in a drawing by one of our lucky donors. Details will follow. More of Gene's work can be seen at
Hummingbirds by Gene Sherman
In Fall 2018, we presented 'Tis the Season for Music on Saturday, November 17th and Monday, November 19th. Both concerts were at the First Presbyterian Church in Idaho Falls. We also performed in collaboration with the Idaho Falls Symphony on December 14th and 15th.
For Spring 2018 our concerts were May 12th and May 14th in the First Presbyterian Church in Idaho Falls. The featured composers were Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. On May 23rd we performed Beethoven's 9th symphony with the Rexburg Tabernacle Orchestra in Rexburg.
The artist Gene Sherman continued his generous support of our choir again this year. For our annual fundraising campaign he donated a wonderful Giclee print of Harriman Park that he framed and matted. It was won in a drawing by another generous supporter, Maria Hill.
Harriman Park by Gene Sherman
Our concerts for Fall of 2017, November 18 and 20, were titled "Journey Home" and featured an amusing presentation of "The Wind in the Willows" by John Rutter, as well as a number of works by other composers.
In Early 2017 members of Anam Cara joined with The Idaho Falls Opera Theatre, The Eastern Idaho Chorale and other area groups to present "Carmina Burana" with orchestra. Our most recent concerts in Spring 2017 were titled "Transcendent Peace" held Mother's Day weekend May 13 and May 15. These concerts featured compositions by John Rutter, including his dramatic and moving "Requiem".
In our concerts for Fall 2016 we celebrated "A Season of Peace and Joy".
Our Spring 2016 concerts "The Refining Fire" were May 6th and May 7th. The program celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Argentine composer, Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) and included his choral work,"The Lamentations of Jeremiah." This concert featured powerful music exploring sorrow and solace.
Once again we benefitted from the generosity of the artist, Gene Sherman. As part of our annual fund-raising campaign we leveraged that generosity by entering donors into a drawing for one of Gene's beautiful Giclee prints, matted and framed by the artist. This year's drawing was especially fun, because the winner could choose their favorite painting. The drawing was won by Dwayne and Connie Bryngelson who chose "The Secret Garden". Secret Garden
Our Fall concerts "Simple Gifts" in November 2015 featured J.S. Bach's Cantata 140 and other pieces celebrating the bounty of the Earth.
The theme for our Spring 2015 concerts was "Nature's Majesty" with music evoking the beauty and majesty of Mountains, Rivers and Valleys.
In line with our theme, noted Idaho artist Gene Sherman donated a wonderful original painting of Mount Moran and the South Fork of the Snake River to Anam Cara.Mount Moran We leveraged this generous gift in our 2015 fund-raising campaign by rewarding our donors with an entry into a drawing for the painting. We held the drawing in May and the painting was won by Jack and Noreen Fry. You can visit and see more of Gene Sherman's beautiful art.
In 2005 we joined with the Caritas Chorale of Sun Valley to perform a new oratorio based on the Lewis and Clark expedition. Members of Anam Cara and the Caritas Chorale took the new oratorio, along with other American selections, to Italy, Austria, and Germany in June of 2005. The group of 47 singers gave ethusiastically received concerts in Tegernsee, Bavaria; and in Mira, Italy just outside of Venice; and in Viareggio, Italy near Florence. The combined choir performed an encore concert of the Lewis and Clark oratorio in Spring of 2006 in Boise, Idaho. The combined choir also performed Mozart's Grand Mass in c minor in Ketchum, Idaho in early 2007.
In May 2007, Anam Cara presented three free concerts of "Psalm of David" by 20th Century American Composer Norman Dello Joio. This dramatic and exciting work was first performed in 1951. We know of no commercial recordings currently available. The three concerts also included John Tavener's "Two Hymns to the Mother of God" first performed in 1985.
In February 2008 we presented a free concert of Music of the Flemish Renaissance featuring compositions by Josquin des Prez, considered by many to be an original master of Renaissance Polyphonic music.
In May and June of 2008 we again presented free concerts of modern music featuring Jazz, Blues and Show Tunes, titled "Red Hot and Blue Too".
In November 2008 we performed two free concerts of Handel's great "Dixit Dominus" with orchestra in Idaho Falls and Ketchum, Idaho.
In May 2009 Anam Cara presented two free concerts featuring Heinrich Schutz and other composers who preceded J.S. Bach.
In November 2009 we presented two free concerts of "Byrd Songs" featuring music by the great William Byrd (c1540-1623).
In honor of Felix Mendelssohn's 200th Birthday, Anam Cara performed two free concerts in Spring 2010, featuring works by Mendelssohn.
For our December 2010 concerts we featured a selection of carols edited and arranged by David Willcocks and John Rutter. The texts ranged from 14th century to modern, and represented traditions from England, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Flanders, New England, and Appalachia. There was even one with a Calypso flavor.
On May 7, 2011 and May 8, 2011, Anam Cara members joined Dick Brown's Caritas Choir for performances of Norman Dello Joio's "Psalm of David" and two works by Morten Lauridsen in Ketchum, Idaho. Both concerts were in St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
In July 2011 Anam Cara conferred the title of Director Emeritus upon Dick Brown. In this role he will continue to be a permanent part of our organization, but will not be required to make the long drive from Sun Valley to Idaho Falls for our rehearsals.
Director Dr. Kevin Brower
In September 2011 we were pleased to begin rehearsals with our new Artistic Director, Dr. Kevin Brower. At that time Dr. Brower was Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg, Idaho.
Our first concert under the direction of Dr. Brower, "Brahms and Other Fancies" was November 5, 2011 at Trinity United Methodist in Idaho Falls. Our next concerts were "Our Spirits Soar and Other Flights of Fancy" in Idaho Falls on May 12, 2012 at St. Luke's Episcopal Church and in Ketchum, Idaho on May 19, 2012 in St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
On November 24 and November 26, 2012 Anam Cara presented "A Change of Season" in the First Presbyterian Church in Idaho Falls.
For Spring 2013 we recognized the 200th birthdays of Wagner and Verdi other music milestones including works by Handel, Verdi, Wagner, Britten and Wilberg.
As part of a special fundraising campaign for Anam Cara, the noted Southeast Idaho artist, Gene Sherman, donated a Giclee print "White Dahlia", framed and matted by the artist. A drawing was held May 29, 2013 and Joan and Richard Tallman won the painting.
White Dahlia matted
On October 11 and October 15, 2013 Anam Cara performed with other area choirs in two "bonus" concerts. The October 11 concert was with choirs from BYU-Idaho in the Barrus Concert Hall in Rexburg, Idaho and the October 15 concert was in the Hillcrest Performing Arts Center in Ammon, Idaho. In addition to Anam Cara and BYU-I choirs the second concert included a local high school choir. It was a high-energy performance with music that was both fun and beautiful.
In Fall 2013 we presented concerts titled "Cornucopia!", with selections from Mozart's "Vesperae solennes de confessore" and other Anam Cara favorites. The concerts were Saturday, November 23, 2013 and Monday, November 25, 2013 in The First Presbyterian Church in Idaho Falls.
In Spring 2014 Anam Cara presented "M&Ms", with compositions by Monteverdi, Mozart and Mendelssohn, along with Miscellaneous Madrigals (one of which was a fun 20th century work - but with words by Shakespeare).
For our Spring 2014 fund-raising campaign, the nationally recognized artist, Gloria Miller Allen, donated an original painting titled "Red Geraniums" to Anam Cara. A drawing for the painting was held on May 31, 2014 and the lucky winners were Kris and Mardean Munk. THANK YOU!! to all who donated to Anam Cara during this campaign. Your support is what keeps Anam Cara in action and means the world to us. More of Gloria Miller Allen's work is at
Red Geraniums
On November 14 and 15, 2014 we were "Waltzing into Winter" with The Liebeslieder (Love Song) Waltzes by Johannes Brahms. We also had guest performances by the jazz choir, Vocal Untion, from BYU-Idaho. It was an especially fun concert.
Anam Cara is funded strictly by generous donations and grants.
Director Emeritus Dick Brown
Anam Cara Executive Committee for 2018/2019
Dr. Kevin Brower, Artistic Director
Atina Coates, President
Karel Kingrey, Vice President
Mark Kerback, Treasurer
Rebecca Harrell, Secretary
Anam Cara is Gaelic for "soul friend" and reflects our goal of sharing, as friends, the harmonies, inspirations, and joys of choral chamber music with our audiences and among ourselves. To achieve this, we strive to
- Attract the best musicians
- Encourage excellence in an atmosphere of collaboration and camaraderie
- Explore different forms of choral chamber music and establish audiences for them
- Provide audiences with music that broadens their understanding and appreciation of the choral art form
- Take performances exemplifying excellence in choral music into rural areas that do not normally have access to this type choir
and where limited educational arts programs exist
- Develop an educational outreach program in the choral art
- Conduct workshops for schools
- Challenge the performers to continue to grow musically, as much as possible
- Become a regional performing organization
- Be an active part of the greater Northwestern choral scene
Anam Cara May 2012
 | Anam Cara and Ensemble November 2008
Site Last Updated: February 12, 2019 |